[Kvtkozi] cikkérés (fwd)

Katalin Misurda mkati at titan.physx.u-szeged.hu
2010. Feb. 8., H, 14:24:53 CET

Tisztelt Kollegak!

Tudna valaki szkennelve kuldeni az alabbi cikkeket?

Development of a MnO2-coated, cylindrical denuder for removing NO2 from
atmospheric samples
Atmospheric Environment, Volume 20, Issue 6, 1986, Pages 1211-1215
K.M Adams, S.M Japar, W.R Pierson

Integrative Technique for detections of atmospheric ammonia
W.A. McClenny, C.A. Bennett Jr.
Atmospheric Environment 14. p:641-645

Elore is koszonom.


Misurda Katalin
SzTE Fizikus konyvtar.

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