[Kvtkozi] Keressuk-Giczi
"Oláh Edit"
Olah.Edit at aotk.szie.hu
2008. Feb. 29., P, 14:45:50 CET
Magyarországi lelohelyet keresunk:
Wannemacher RW Jr, Dinterman RE, Thompson WL, Schmidt MO, Burrows WD. Treatment for Removal of Biotoxins
from Drinking Water. Rpt no TR9120, AD A275958. Ft. Detrick, MD:US Army Biomedical Research and Development Laboratory, 1993.
Clostridium botulinum:Ecology and Control in Foods
edited by Andreas H. W. Hauschild and Karen L. Dodds
New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1993. 440 pages.
Oláh Edit
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