[Kvtkozi] konyv (GAL J.)
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eolah at univet.hu
2002. Május. 10., P, 12:12:53 CEST
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Szent Istvan University
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Kedves Kollegak!
Megvan valakinél az alabbi konyv?
Hillson, Simon (1986) : Teeth Cambridge University Press
Bell Fowler and S. Hillson(Eds): The experimental earth project, 1960-1992.
CBA Research Report, York, Council of British Archeology
Klevezal, Galina A. and S.E. Kleinenberg (1967): Age determination of
mammals from annual layers...(Russian, translated into English 1969)
Putman, R.(1988): The natural history of deer Bromley:Croom Helm
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