[Hungarologia] FW: Call for Papers: Central European Cultures 2022.1 [Caution: Message contains Suspicious URL content]

Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Tá Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Tá
2022. Jan. 25., K, 13:05:35 CET


From: Dr. Kiss Farkas Gábor [mailto:kiss.farkas at btk.elte.hu] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 12:18 PM
To: Magyarságtudományi Társaság <nmtt at iif.hu>; hungarologia at bibl.u-szeged.hu
Cc: hungarologia-bounces at lists.bibl.u-szeged.hu
Subject: Call for Papers: Central European Cultures 2022.1


​Kedves Kollégák, 

Hadd hívjam fel a figyelmük erre az angol nyelvű publikációs lehetőségre, elsősorban közép-európai (és ezen belül természetesen magyar) tematikájú tanulmányok számára. 


Kiss Farkas Gábor



Call for Papers: Central European Cultures 2022.1


Central European Cultures (CEC) is an open-access and print journal dedicated to advancing dialogue between researchers of cultural history and theory in Central Europe. It aims to publish new findings that address Central European literary and cultural history from the Middle Ages to the present, including its links to general literary and cultural theory. In particular, we welcome studies that are comparative, relevant both regionally and globally, and open up new perspectives on this part of Europe on an international level. Our ultimate goal is to accelerate information exchange within and outside the region, between researchers who are often separated from each other by linguistic and cultural barriers, and to provide a platform that is dedicated to a comparative, balanced and scholarly evaluation of Central European cultural phenomena. The journal is open to cross-cultural approaches not only thematically, but also chronologically: it examines the literary phenomena of the region from medieval times to the present. On the other hand, we intend to undertake extensive review activities to mediate the result of Central European research to the English-speaking public.

In addition to the studies and the review section, CEC will occasionally provide opportunities to publish thematic issues organized by a guest editor. The journal is published twice a year under the auspices of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

Articles may take the following forms:

Scholarly Articles: Original, research-based articles between 6,000 and 10,000 words in length. Please include all supplementary materials (photos, tables, etc.) in your submission. Priority will be given to comparative and interdisciplinary pieces that address several cultural and linguistic areas of Central Europe.

Review Articles (between 4,000 and 6,000 words): We rely heavily on the international network of editors for our review activities.  Should you wish to have your publications reviewed by our journal, please contact the editorial staff at cec at btk.elte.hu. <mailto:cec at btk.elte.hu.> 


The journal is published twice yearly, March and September. Paper submissions for the second issue are due by March 31, 2022. The editors will arrange proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English. Central European Cultures is double-blind peer-reviewed by external experts.

Only submissions which observe the Author Guidelines (available at http://ojs.elte.hu/cec/about/submissions) of the journal will be considered for acceptance. Central European Cultures uses the 'notes and bibliography' version of the Chicago Manual of Style (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html).

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the submissions process for the forthcoming issue or about Central European Cultures in general, please do not hesitate to contact us at cec at btk.elte.hu <mailto:cec at btk.elte.hu> 



Kiss Farkas Gábor, dr. hab. 

tanszékvezető egyetemi docens


ELTE BTK Régi Magyar Irodalom Tanszék



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