[Hungarologia-l] Japan

L'Homme Ilona lhommeilona at bbi.hu
2011. Okt. 13., Cs, 11:27:15 CEST

Kedves Listatagok!

Alább, ill. csatoltan továbbítom az Oszakai Egyetem pályázati felhívását 
magyar lektori állás betöltésére. A Balassi Intézet csak a terjesztésben 
segít, ezért kérjük, hogy az érdeklodok közvetlenül a felhívásban megadott 
kontaktszemélyhez forduljanak!

Üdvözlettel: L'Homme Ilona

Dr. L'Homme Ilona

Balassi Intézet
Vendégoktatói Iroda

lhommeilona at bbi.hu
Tel.: +36-1-6667905

Academic Year 2012: The Research Institute for World Languages, Osaka


- Recruitment Information for Specially Appointed Academic Staff -

The Research Institute for World Languages (RIWL) at Osaka University is

involved in research and education with respect to world languages, world 

and societies, whilst maintaining languages as its base. At this time, the 

recruiting faculty staff who are scholars in this particular area, and who 
can also

help improve language education. Details are provided below.

????Associated Department??Research Institute for World Languages (RIWL)

Osaka University

????Job Title??

Specially Appointed Associate Professor

????Number of Positions????

????Job Description??Teaching Hungarian and doing research on Hungarian 

40 hours per week, including teaching Hungarian

language, literature and culture courses offered by the

School of Foreign Studies and the Graduate School of

Language and Culture (the Studies in Language and

Society major) for 12~18 hours per week. Candidates will

be expected to engage in other duties required by RIWL.

????Period of Employment?? The period of employment will be for 2 years from 

1st, 2012. The initial contract can be renewed only once by

mutual consent and the period can be extended for up to 3

years. The successful applicant is requested to arrive in

Osaka by March 31st, 2012.

????Qualifications?? An applicant is deemed qualified if s/he:


is a native speaker of Hungarian.


has a Ph.D., M.A. or its equivalent in the Teaching

Hungarian as a foreign language, the Hungarian language

or the Hungarian literature.

????Application Documents??

(1) Curriculum vitae (Attachment 1)

(2) Main publications (books and articles) (Attachment 2)

Please use the forms attached, and fill in all the necessary

particulars carefully.

Applicants should also provide their current address, phone/fax

number, and e-mail address, so that direct contact may be made

during the administrative procedure.

Application documents will not be returned.

????Application Deadline??Application documents must arrive by November 


????Screening Method?? Screening of application documents by faculty members 

the RIWL, Osaka University

Short-listed candidates may also be invited to attend an

interview at their own expense.

10??Employment Conditions??


The monthly salary may vary from ¥477,850 (minimum)

to ¥591,775 (maximum). The exact amount will be

determined in accordance with the applicant's

qualifications and experience.


The appointed applicant will be provided with furnished

residential facilities equipped with electricity, heating and

water services throughout the term of the contract. Please

note that the appointed candidate will be responsible for

both rent and utility costs.

(3) Upon assuming the post, the candidate will be provided

with travel expenses.

(4) Commuting allowance, dependent allowance, bonus, travel

expenses for returning home will not be provided.

11??Where to submit applications??

General Affairs Section (Shomu-kakari)

Research Institute for World Languages

Osaka University

8-1-1 Aomatani-higashi, Minoo

Osaka 562-8558, Japan

(Please write on the envelope "Application for Hungarian

Teaching Position" in red.)

12??For further information??contact us at

waseda at world-lang.osaka-u.ac.jp

Professor Mika Waseda (Ms.)

European and American Languages and Cultural Spheres

Research Wing ?

RIWL, Osaka University

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